Commitment Statement


The declaration of intent (also known as the commitment statement) is the part in the ceremony where you agree to marry! We suggest they flow best right after your officiant welcomes your guests and before they tell your story and offer encouraging words. From traditional to modern to customized…..whatever your preference and style!


(Name), here in the company of friends and family, do you willingly and lovingly take (Name) in the partnership of marriage, with all the responsibilities and joys that such a union brings, agreeing to stand beside him/her in good times and bad, for all the days of your life?” 

Twist on Traditional:

Do you (Name) take (Name) to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, committing yourself unto them for as long as you both shall live?

Companion and Best Friend:

(Name and Name), as you come this day to affirm your love and commitment, may you always remember to value each other as special and unique individuals, and that you respect each other’s thoughts, ideas, and feelings. May you be able to forgive and forget when wronged and live each day that you may share it together - as from this day forward you will be each other’s home, comfort and sanctuary.

(Name), will you embrace/take (Name) as your wife; As your companion and best friend for life? Will you treat her with love and devotion, honor and respect? Will you stand by her in the triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring husband?
“I will.”

(Name) will you embrace/take (Name) as your husband; As your companion and best friend for life? Will you treat him with love and devotion, honor and respect? Will you stand by him in the triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring wife?
“I will.”

From This Day Forward:

(Name), from this day forward, do you choose (Name) to be your wife? Your best friend and your only love? To live together, play together and laugh together, to work by her side and dream in her arms, to fill her heart and feed her soul; to always seek out the best in her, always loving her with all your heart, until the end of your forever?
“I Do”

(Name), from this day forward do you choose (Name) to be your husband, your best friend and your only love? To live together, play together and laugh together, to work by his side, dream in his arms, to fill his heart and feed his soul; to always seek out the best in him, always loving him with all your heart, until the end of your forever?
“I Do”

Freedom to be Yourself:

Do you, (Name), promise to love (Name) and respect her/him, to share your life and your dreams, to build with her/him a home that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?

Do you promise to be a companion to (Name) in all of her/his successes and failures, her/his happiness and sadness, to always give to her/him your unwavering support and above all else, the freedom to be herself/himself?


(Name) do you take (Name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? Do you promise to love and cherish her/him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live?


“Do you, (Name and Name), understand and appreciate how monumental this day is in the great journey of your lives together?”
“We do!”
“And are you prepared to support and love each other unconditionally, throughout your many years together, no matter how many hours of video games, or unnecessary adventures to buy ice cream you may need to endure?”
“We do!”

Fun & Personalized

Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your husband from this day forward, and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, working hand-in-hand through life together and sharing its possibilities?
”I do.”
Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your wife from this day forward, and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, working hand-in-hand through life together and sharing its possibilities?
Each day, will you give each other a fresh, clean start, not sweating the small stuff but encouraging the best in each other?
Do you promise to listen to (Name) when she speaks, feed her when she gets hungry, join her laughter with your own and always open the door to adventures together?
“I do.”

Short & Sweet

Do you, (Name), welcome (Name) as your wife/husband, offering her/him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?

Not Perfect

(Name) She’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if she can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if she admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can.
Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your wife from this day forward,
and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, exploring this magical world together and sharing its possibilities?
“I do.”
(Name). He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can.
Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your husband from this day forward, and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, exploring this world together and sharing its possibilities?
“I do.”

In Good Times & Bad

(Name), do you take (Name), to be your wife/husband? Do you promise to love, adore and encourage her/him? Share the good times and achievements as well as the hard times and disappointments? Keep her/him in sickness and in sorrow and to be loyal to her/him forevermore?

Freedom to be Oneself

Do you, (Name), promise to love (Name) and respect her/him, to share your life and your dreams, to build with her/him a home that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?
Do you promise to be a companion to (Name) in all of her/his successes and failures, her/his happiness and sadness, to always give to her/him your unwavering support and above all else, the freedom to be herself/himself?
”I do.”

Wife/Husband of Your Days

(Name), do you take (Name) to be the wife/husband of your days, the companion of your heart and the friend of your life? To stand united in the face of adversity and bask together in the light of good fortune? With these words spoken, and all those as yet unspoken, do you wish to marry (Name) and join your life with hers/his?
”I do.”


Do you, (Name), take you (Name), in the presence of God and our family and friends as witnesses, to be your wife/husband, your partner in life and your one true love?
Do you now make a lifetime commitment to be a considerate, tender, faithful, loving wife/husband, to encourage, comfort and cherish (Name) in times of prosperity as well as in times of trouble?
And do you pledge to establish a loving home for your own family, to make her/him and your children the priority in your life, and to nurture your special relationship always?
”I do.”

With Children

Do you (Name) take (Name(s) of child(ren) of spouse) to be the (son/daughter/children) of your heart, to love and to hug, in tears and in laughter, through successes and growing pains, as long as you shall all be together?
Do you (Name(s) of child(ren)) take (Name) to be your (step-mom/dad) and your friend, accomplice and ally, to love and to hug, as long as you shall all be together?
Do you, (Names of all children), each take the other(s) to be your (sister/brother) and your friend(s), through fights and through fun, as long as you shall all be together?
Do you, (Names of parents), promise to support these relationships, to give them room to breathe, to encourage their special bonds with each other and love them through it all?


Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your husband from this day forward,
and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, working hand-in-hand through life together and sharing its possibilities? Each day, will you give each other a fresh, clean start, not sweating the small stuff but encouraging the best in each other?
“I do.”
Do you, (Name), promise to take (Name) as your wife from this day forward, and to embark on a journey full of adventure and wonder, working hand-in-hand through life together and sharing its possibilities?
Each day, will you give each other a fresh, clean start, not sweating the small stuff but encouraging the best in each other?
“I do.”

Take on the Traditional

Do you, with family and friends as your witnesses, present yourselves willingly to enter into this marriage believing the love you share in each other will endure all things?
”We do.”
Do you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together?
”We do.”

Jhowell Corotan